Hotel Sardus Pater - Portixeddu. Comune di Fluminimaggiore -(CI) - Italia it de es fr ru
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Hotel Sardus Pater
Fluminimaggiore - Italy
Contenuti: it de es fr ru
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Reach us

Portixeddu, sea village Fluminimaggiore, is 92 km away from Cagliari, the capital Sardina island. To reach Sardus Pater Hotel you could follow one of these two paths.

Coming from Cagliari or south west of Sardinia
ou should proceed along the ss 130 until you reach Iglesias. Then you should proceed along ss 126 towards Fluminimaggiore. You should go on to Portixedd-Buggerru fork, drive for 9 km and take the road to the right in the direction of Portixeddu. Finally follow road signs to reach the hotel


Coming from the center and north Sardinia (Sassari, Olbia, Nuoro, Oristano )
you could proceed along the ss 130 until you arriive at Cagliari hinterland, and then proceed according to the previous instructions or you could proceed along ss 130 until towards Guspini fork. Then you could proceed along the ss 126 towards Fluminimaggiore.


Portixeddu is could be reached by bus (Ferrovie Meridionali della Sardegna line) or by train (Iglesias is your last station and you should proceed by car or bus).